'Deja Vu' by Sayaka Maruyama

Sayaka was born in Japan. At the age of 12 she moved to Holland with her family and that 3-year-stay in different culture influenced her in many ways especially in terms of art education.

After graduated from Art University in Tokyo, Japan, she been working as a conceptual artist called 'NEON O'CLOCK WORKS' with Tomihiro Kono. She did several exhibitions of photography and installations as NEON O'CLOCK WORKS in Tokyo and their photography book 'KRAGENEIDECHSE' was published from studio parabolica in 2007.

It was not so long after she moved to London in 2007 when her interest in photography became much stronger. Since then she began to work as a photographer.

The photography series by Neon O'clock Works was exhibited in some galleries in London such as Soho gallery, Claire de Rouen Books, etc.


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