The Largest Archipelago: Nusantara

This is an article about an area called Nusantara by its inhabitants. It will tell about the place, the people, the system and so forth...

In this global era, what do you do when you are looking for the meaning of a word? Usually people look at the dictionary to find the meaning of a word. But, the word Nusantara cannot be found in any English dictionary. It can be found only in Indonesian dictionary. Nusantara is the name of the unit of archipelago that lies between two continents : Asia and Australia. The indigenous inhabitants of the archipelago with their custom and tradition are included in that name: Nusantara.

Approximately one fourth of the earth circumference, from 95 to 142 degrees longitude (east), is occupied by thousands of islands: very big, big, small, and very small ones. Now the “width” of the area: from 5 degrees latitude (north), to 11 degrees latitude (south). This is not exact because it is only seen on the map.

This large area is very beautiful, the people are hospitable and friendly. The evidence of that is the many tourists who come from other countries to this place. This big cluster of islands forms one unit, large unit of archipelago. The indigenous inhabitants call this unit of archipelago Nusantara. The word nusantara has a special meaning, that is the island (nusa) that lies in between (antara). Nusantara means the island in between two continents: Asia and Australia.

This is the true story from the very beginning. As you maybe know, now the unit of archipelago and its inhabitants is very popular with its other and formal name: Indonesia. And I, somebody who is telling all this true story was fated to be one of those indigenous inhabitants of this archipelago. That’s why what I am telling you here is authentic as it comes from the first hand.

Why did I make this? Because I want to share the information with other people from different places in the world. Many informations of this wide area can be shared and who knows, you want to know about that information. What I know about this archipelago is – of course – not complete. I can’t guarantee that if you ask about something I always have the answer immediately. But, once again, I am fated to be one of the indigenous inhabitants of this place. I know how to seek for the right answer correctly.

I have told you in the above the location of Nusantara in the globe. This area consists of three time zones: West, Middle and East. I am living in the west time zone of Nusantara, that is G.M.T plus nine hours. The population of this archipelago is big in the number: Approximately two hundred and thirty millions, and this big number of population consists of many tribes from west to the east.

There are four points in the extreme west, east, north and south of this area. The name of those points are Sabang, Merauke, Miangas and Rote. These names are often mentioned when one says about her/his beloved country: From Sabang to Merauke, From Miangas to Rote.

What can I tell you through this media? Within my mind, the subjects to tell you are people, place and the local system of the community. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to do it. As the closure, I wish to continue my story soon. Hopefully, it will be nice for you to read my report and others that I can tell you.


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