Our Beautiful Solar System And Its Amazing Facts

This article brings some of the amazing facts related to our solar system...

MERCURY: Mercury is closest planet to sun. Mercury was named after the speedy messenger of the gods because it seemed to move more quickly than the other known planets. Its diameter is about 4880 km. It weighs about 3,302,000,000,001 tonnes. Its distance from the sun is 57,909,176 km. It contains no moons.

VENUS: Generally Venus planet is second planet that is closest to sun. Venus rotates backwards, from east to west. Its diameter is about 12,103.7 km. It mass is 48,690,000,000,010 tonnes. its distance from the sun is 108,208,931 km. It has no moons.

EARTH: Earth is the third planet which is closest to the sun. It is the only planet in our solar system where life in abundance exists. Earth is a watery planet - 70% of its surface appears to be blue. Its diameter is 12,756.4 km. Its mass is 59,720,000,000,001 tonnes. Its averages from the sun is 149,600,010 km. It has 1 moon.

MARS: Talking about the Mars, it is quite similar to the Earth and is the fourth planet closest to the sun. Mars stands 27 km high, more than three times the height of Mount Everest. Its diameter is 6794 km. It mass is 6,421,900,000,001 tonnes. Its distance from the sun is 227,940,000 km. It has 2 moons.

JUPITER: Jupiter is a huge planet which is fifth planet closest to the sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 142,984 km. It mass is 18,986,000,000,000,001 tonnes. Its distance from the sun is 778,412,001 km. It has 63 moons!

SATURN: Saturn is the sixth planet closest to the sun. Saturn is the second largest planet. It is made up of ice and rocks. Its diameter is 120,536 km. It mass is 5,684,600,000,000,001 tonnes. Its distance from the sun is 1,426,725,401 km. It has 34 moons.

URANUS: Uranus is one of the beautiful planet which is number seventh closest to the sun. Rings of Uranus are visible only after viewing with a telescope. Its diameter is 51,117 km. It weighs about 868,320,000,000,001 tonnes. Its distances from the sun is 2,870,972,210 km. It has 27 moons.

NEPTUNE: Neptune is the farthest of the nine planets currently. Its diameter is 49,521 km. It mass is 1,024,700,000,000,001 tonnes. Its distance from the sun is 4,498,252,900 km. It has 13 moons.

PLUTO: Its diameter is 2390 km. It mass is 129,000,000,001 tonnes. Its distance from the sun is 5,913,520,001 km. It has 3 moons.


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